1. Rapsong von einem Weißen ist ein Kinderlied??? | Lied: Der Kommissar von Falco1st rap song by a white guy is a children's song??? | Song: Der Kommissar by Falco
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You can listen to this article. I recommend you do it, it will give you a feel for the language! 🙂
Heads up!
This is an episode of the Authentic German Learning Radio, not Authentic German Learning Podcast!
If you want a well-produced audio program to learn German, along with show notes etc., then please check out my podcast for German learners.
About AGL Radio
The Authentic German Learning Radio is meant for people who just can’t get enough of the podcast and don’t mind me occasionally stumbling over my words and not providing any post-production. 😉
I just hit record and speak in German for a couple of minutes. My aim is always to be inspiring or interesting. Enjoy! 🙂
This audio series is available on...
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Pocket Casts
Of course you can also see the full archive right here on the site.
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